Kelly Magical
Love & Relationships
By vocation - an artist, I have the technique of automatic drawing. I have been doing esotericism for over 15 years. Since childhood, I have noticed a number of protective Forces that, help, "lead" and even "reward" the offenders. Now I understand that these are the forces of my Family. I was surprised to learn that other people are not so lucky ... they are not as lucky as I am. Everything I can wish for comes true, the main thing is to have it in my imagination. I learn to positively manage my consciousness, my future, shaping it through the chain "dream - drawing - reality". I build my predictions on the basis of spreads for the Tarot, Golden Tarot, Tarot Manara, Lenormand, Tarot of the Illuminati, Gypsy tarot, etc. In difficult situations, I conduct diagnostics to identify the roots of the problem.
Melissa Hanke7 days ago
Kelly gave me some great advice.
PRE11 days ago
Kelly is magical ❤️✨
Daniel18 days ago
I was supposed to get 20 minutes not 16 minutes but it saying my time is expired
Evgeniya3 months ago
perfect. hope predictions will come true soon.
Denequa4 months ago
Everything was good